
What's your go-to language for web development?


Tabs or spaces?


Front end or back end?


Git or Mercurial?


Favorite framework?


Best debugging tool?

Chrome DevTools

Async or sync?


Most-used npm package?


REST or GraphQL?


Single-page apps or multi-page apps?


Favorite database?


Best way to learn coding?

Project-based learning

How to handle imposter syndrome?

Keep learning, stay humble

Favorite tech conference?


How to approach technical interviews?

Practice mock interviews

What's your take on FizzBuzz?

It's a classic, but don't fail it

Best way to solve coding challenges?

Break them down step by step

How to stay updated in tech?

Follow blogs, podcasts, and Twitter

Coffee or tea?

Coffee, obviously! ☕

I don't usually change a lot of things in my VSCode setup, because I'm a creature of habit. So, for years, I've been using the same setup, with minor tweaks and enhancements here and there.

As it's the beginning of the year, I changed some things with the latest and greatest stuff I could find, and thought i'd share it with you.

The theme

I've been using the Community material theme darker high contrast - this theme is so good I haven't changed it in years!

The font

Github recently released a new font, MonaSpace - it's absolutely beautiful, a lot of thought has been put into it, its free and open source as well!

well, i won't do the selling, just go check it out, it's amazing.

(BTW, you can use )

The icons

I've been using the Material Icon Theme for a long time, and it's still the best icon theme out there.

The terminal

I use the Starship shell prompt, it's fast, customizable, and looks great! and use the jetbrains mono nerd font.

The extensions

i like it simple and clean, so I don't use a lot of extensions, but here are the ones I use, ranked by how much I like them:

  • Github Copilot
  • Gitlens
  • VS Code pets
  • Live share
  • Prettier
  • Favorites
  • Database client


  • use emmets a lot (you can use it in JSX as well)
  • use the zen mode in vs code to write blogs and other documentation without distractions
  • use the code command in the terminal to open the current directory in VSCode

yeah that's it for now... I think? I'll update this post if I remember anything else.